Friday, 20 April 2012

Win free entry for 2 into the ''Facebook Community Golf Open

 First thing to consider, who would you invite if you won!

Your chance to win 2 free entries into the Facebook Community Golf Open

Official Rules !!

If one step has been missed you will be disqualified

1/ You must first go to page and ''like'' the page, if you have already, this is ok.

2/ You must now go to our official partners page and ''like them too

3/ Finally, on you will see this photograph at the top of the page, click on that and  ''Share'', in the box that appears type in these words...  Free Golf to be won at St. Andrews and more!  

Once you have done that, you are now entered into the competition.

 Draw will be made LIVE in the Old Course Hotel on  Friday 4th May !

Already entered?  Fear not!
Those that have already entered and paid, may also enter, and will be issued a full refund in the event they win the competition!   

Please also take time to register with our partners golfoon at 
Prizes to be won for those that do!

A welcome from Event Manager. St. Andrews Golf Groups.

A welcome from Event Manager. 
St. Andrews Golf Groups.

Hello everyone!!

Just a quick introduction about myself, and my own love affair with St. Andrews, and the background to how the Facebook Community Golf Open was born.

 My love affair with St. Andrews started in the early 1970's when I was brought up to Scotland, from my native Yorkshire, as a young child on holidays and played at least 3 rounds a day on the links!

In the 1980's and into the 90's  I joined the Royal Air Force, and was based a lot nearby at RAF Leuchars, where I enjoyed being a member of the RAF Leuchars Golf Society.

In 1995 having learnt to cut hair in the first Gulf war (ask me the story if you are attending the Facebook Community Golf Open!) I created the Barber's Pole in South Street, St. Andrews, famed for giving away a free nip of whisky with every haircut!

In 2003, St. Andrews Golf Groups was born. The aim was to get tourists to experience St. Andrews by staying here for longer. Far too often I met tourists who were only here for a day or two, how on earth can you experience St. Andrews in such a short time!
Championship golf courses galore, and never short of something to do.

In 2008, I was very proud to organise the Centenary event for the Society of Liverpool Golf Captains, almost 300 golfers.
It was a real honour to have been involved in such a prestigious event!
Never in my wildest dreams could I imagine sitting at the top table with the Provost of Fife!

The Captains event is where the seed was sewn for Facebook Community Golf Open.

The event has been a year in preparing to get to the stage where we are happy that everything is ready. Its been very demanding, and difficult at times, but at long last its time to get the show on the road
Many have already signed up, we have been working hard to get letterheads, and the email database set up, so if you have entered, expect to be receiving regular updates and news soon, and we will get you added to the participants page!

Facebook are happy with the naming of the event (at long last!) as we have had to add the word ''community'' to the name, but was quite good to hear that ''Facebook management were excited about the event'' 

Full details of the Facebook Community Golf Open can be found here.

Working together with many of my fellow business colleagues in St. Andrews, we aim to give you  the experience of a lifetime!

Follow this blog as we count down from 100 days to go !!!
Some days will have some exciting news as we prepare to take to the fairways of St. Andrews!!

And a special thank you to Lorenza :) x 

Yours in golf!

Steve Cooke
Event Manager
Facebook Community golf open